Upcoming Events
Book Fair: Our annual Book Fair is next week. The Fair is open Tuesday through Friday from 8:30-3:00. Information is being sent home today about the Fair. However, please read this letter for more information about the eWallet and volunteering at the Book Fair. (You need a background check in order to volunteer.) If you are interested in volunteering, please click on the link to sign up: https://volunteer.scholastic.c.... Also, there is a Family Night scheduled for November 14 from 5:00-7:00. During this night, there will be activities for the children and an opportunity to purchase books. The food truck, Championship Melt, will also be here if you would like to purchase dinner.
Class Visits to Book Fair
November 12: November 13
8:30: Mrs. Howard 8:30: Mrs. Silva
9:00: Mrs. Felag 9:30: Mrs. Tutt
9:30: Mrs. Thornton 10:30: Mrs. Squatrito
10:30: Mrs. Fagan 1:00: Mrs. Carey
11:00: Mrs. Promades 1:30: Mrs. Piette
1:00: Mrs. Gaynor
1:30: Mrs. Hunt
Parent Classroom Visits: Each year in November, we invite parents to join their children at school to see and participate in a classroom lesson. Dates and times have been set for each grade level and you may find the times here. Please remember: this is a time for you to spend time with your child; other siblings should not be joining you.
Kindergarten: November 12 at 11:00
Grade 1: November 14 at 10:55
Grade 2: November 14 at 1:00
Grade 3: November 13 at 10:55
Picture Retake Day: Although pictures have not yet come in, retakes will take place on December 2 first thing in the morning. So, if your child was absent on our original picture day or you want a retake, this will be the only day to have this done.
Providence Bruins Game: The PTO is sponsoring an afternoon at the P-Bruins on January 5, 2020. Save the date. Information may be found here. Information about purchasing tickets will be sent home at another time.
No School: There is no school on Monday, November 11 as this is Veteren’s Day.
Other Bits of Information
Thanksgiving Food Drive: Each year, our school helps those less fortunate. One way we do this is our annual food drive for Thanksgiving to benefit Barrington’s Tap In. We are now in the process of collecting various food items. Each grade level has been assigned certain foods. The list may be found here. Food items may be sent into school and placed in the boxes in the school’s foyer. We will collect food until November 14, 2019.
PTO Extended Day Program: The PTO is looking for a volunteer to run the Extended Day program. The position requires someone to organize the classes (including finding teachers), set up class lists and google forms for emergency contacts, do the teacher contracts, facilitate payments with the PTO Treasurer, and set up volunteers for each class day. It is best if the chair is available to be there on the class days (or have a committee to do this). The program runs two days per week typically mid-February to mid-April. You may contact Kristin Brown at brownkristin33@gmail.com with questions or to volunteer. If we cannot find a volunteer to coordinate this program, it will not be able to occur.
Barrington Education Foundation: You may find some news from the BEF here.
Library Volunteers: We are looking for two more volunteers to assist in the library. We are looking for someone Mondays from 9:25-10:10 and Thursdays from 12:45-1:30. Volunteering in the library does require a background check. If you are interested in volunteering in our library, please contact Bronwyn Ellis at ellisbronwyn@gmail.com.