Primrose Hill Elementary School Weekly Newsletter November 4, 2022 |
Primrose Pandas are Respectful, Responsible and Safe |
Mission: Barrington Public School’s mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future. |
Vision: Together we inspire, learn, love and grow. |
Dear Primrose Families, Such a busy and exciting week. Starting the week with Halloween parades and classroom activities. It was nice to be able to bring back the traditions of classroom celebrations with volunteers and the preschool/Kindergarten parade. This amazing staff, pictured above hosted a wonderful, surprise breakfast midweek to officially welcome me to the school. I am so grateful to be surrounded by such kind and energetic educators!! We ended the week with our whole school jog-a-thon and once again our volunteers came out to support and enjoy time with our wonderful students. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents with us! It makes such a difference. Tuesday was the beginning of November and the start of National Gratitude Month. There are many ways to show our gratitude for those around us and our experiences. We will share ideas throughout the month with you. Of course, with Veteran’s Day next week we will certainly be reflecting on those who have served and sacrificed for us. Many families have their own traditions around this. Whether it is attending a parade, visiting a local memorial or the cemetery of a family member who served, I hope that you are able to set aside time on Friday to think of our Veterans on this special holiday. Just a reminder that next week is not a full school week. With the elections on Tuesday and Veteran’s Day on Friday we will have these two days off from school. We know it is difficult for some students to have shifts like this in their schedule so please be sure they know to expect the changes in their schedule. Whatever your plans may be, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday for Daylight Savings. Educationally yours, Coleen Smith |
In case you missed Miss O'Kane's email, here are some Library Updates from last week: |
Lost and Found: Each week it shrinks and grows. Please have your child check the bench in the lobby or send in a note if you are missing any items. There are several additional jackets, coats and sweatshirts this week. If you know of any missing items, please let us know. |
PRIMROSE PTO Thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters for this year’s Jog-a-thon: if you are planning to and haven’t had a moment yet to contribute, you can pledge online with a credit card, or send in cash/checks (payable to Primrose Hill PTO) via backpack express. Join us for a parents (and teachers) Night Out at The Guild in Warren on Thursday night starting at 5:30. The PTO is organizing this fun fundraiser to raise money for musical equipment and assemblies at Primrose. There are great raffle prizes and light food will be provided. Come and enjoy a kid-free night out. Tickets are limited and $10 in advance ($15 at the door), please purchase on the PTO Website, PTO Website: Please take a quick moment to log into the PTO website and opt into the family directory at Once this is done, you’ll be included in the Room Parents' list to be informed when class parties, events, and fundraisers are being planned. Support the Primrose Hill PTO through Box Tops for Education and Amazon Smile!
Box Tops for Education: No more clipping! All you need to do is download the app and scan your receipts. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app finds participating products on your receipts and instantly adds money to the school's earnings online. Box Tops works with paper receipts and digital receipts.
Here's how to sign up for Box Tops for Education: 1. Download the app for iOS or Android 2. Sign up for an account 3. Choose: Primrose Hill School Elementary School 4. Buy Box Tops products at the store 5. Scan your receipt to submit Box Tops within 14 days of purchase => Open the app => Tap scan receipt
Amazon Smile: Amazon will donate 0.5% to Primrose Hill Elementary School for your eligible Amazon Smile purchases. AmazonSmile works just like the Amazon you already know; same products, same prices, same service. AmazonSmile can even be used with your Prime membership.
Here's how to sign up for AmazonSmile:
1. Visit 2. Sign in with your credentials 3. Choose: Primrose Hill School Parent Teacher Organization 4. Add a bookmark for to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile 4. Start shopping!
Turn on AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app 1. Make sure you're signed up for AmazonSmile (use your web browser to visit 2. Download or update to the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app for iOS or Android 3. Open the app and find “Settings” in the main menu (☰) 4. Tap on “AmazonSmile” and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile in the app.
If you are interested in helping out with any events at school, please reach out! New software helps parents connect with other parents (great for planning play dates and birthday parties), pre-register for events (and avoid standing in line!), learn about volunteer opportunities (YOU make Primrose the amazing school it is by your participation and support), and so much more! |
Have a wonderful weekend!