Mission: Barrington Public School’s mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future.
Vision: Together we inspire, learn, love and grow.
“We are Safe, Respectful and Responsible!”
Nayatt Elementary School
“Empowering All Students to Excel!”
Mrs. Melissa Moniz
Week Of: January 23, 2023
Important Info:
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Thank you to many families who have already taken the time to submit online dental consent forms. I have your information and you are all set!
For families that have not had the chance to respond yet, this is a gentle reminder to submit your information as soon as possible. Please click on the link below to complete and submit the online consent form for the upcoming dental screening. This form must be submitted for each family at Nayatt School to accept or decline the dental screening.
Thank you,
Nichole Collins, RN
We would like to take this opportunity to remind families of the importance of firearm safety and gun storage. Evidence strongly suggests that secure firearm storage is essential to any effective strategy to keep schools and students safe. Research also shows that secure firearm storage practices are associated with up to an 85 percent reduction in the risk of unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens. Barrington Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students and urges families to read the linked information regarding firearm safety and storage so that we may partner in keeping our community safe. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/Pages/Handguns-in-the-Home.aspx
This Week:
We will be hosting a bilingual book drive! If you have any age appropriate books that you would like to donate, please have your child bring them to the main office.
Students in grade 3 are enjoying “Lunch and Learn”! This past week, they have heard about working for Hasbro and what the process for creating a new game looks like! Thank you to all of our families and community members that have volunteered their time to inform our students about various careers!
Students also came together to learn about the Ocean Race! We are excited to follow and keep track of where the race is heading!
We will continue to practice our fire, lockdown and evacuation drills!
Upcoming Events:
The Scholastic Book Fair returns to Nayatt School from January 30th to February 3rd!
We are excited to host the Scholastic Book Fair in person once again! Here is a link to the digital flier. Students will have a schedule to shop by classroom. Stay tuned to hear from your child's teacher which day their class is scheduled for. We are encouraging families to use the eWallet feature so that students do not forget their money. Friday, February 3rd, will be a makeup shopping day.
We are also hoping that we may have volunteers for each day. If you are interested in volunteering, please be sure your BCI is updated and sign up here using the sign up genius!
Please click the REGISTER NOW button at www.eastbaylax.org to register for this youth lacrosse program serving Grades K-8 in the East Bay area.
Registration CLOSES March 1st (or when divisions are full and some teams are just about full).
Sharks (K & Older Pre-K): $100
Grades 1/2: $195
Grades 3/4, 5/6 & 7/8: $270
Sibling discounts are available this year - $25 off for the second child and thereafter in the family to register.
Scholarships are available upon request and application.
Other Information:
Here you will find a link to January Holidays and Celebrations
School Spirit Days Flier
From the PTO:
Nayatt Group Outing, Sunday, January 29th, at the Providence Bruins! Check out the flier here!
Volunteers Needed for the Nayatt 5K!
Nayatt 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run - April 1st!
Our Nayatt 5K Committee Chairs (Jamie, Heather and Elizabeth) are looking for additional volunteers to help coordinate and organize the upcoming race. This is our biggest fundraising event of the School year! If you are interested to help or want to learn more, please email Nayatt5Krace@gmail.com. Thank you!
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25th at 6:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Save the date! Nayatt Spring Fling will be on Friday, May 19th! More information to come!
Yearbook Ordering is OPEN! Nayatt Yearbook 2022-2023
ON SALE NOW-Online ordering only! Sales end May 1st!
To order your Nayatt School yearbook:
● Please visit www.coffeepond.com and click on “Order”.
● Nayatt School password is: 123dolphin.
● Cost of the yearbook is $30.
● Scholarships are available. Please contact Principal Melissa Moniz for details.
All orders must be completed online - there will be no additional copies available for purchase.