Nayatt News Update 9.3.2021
Empowering All Students to Excel
Nayatt School Office Contact Information:
For student absence or dismissal needs, please email the classroom teacher as well as Mrs. Patota and Mrs. Rathbone in the front office.
Tuesday, September 7th in observance of Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, September 8th-First Official Day of School
Upcoming Events:
September 16th-Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement
No School
September 29th-Open House-Save the date
October 6th-Nayatt School Picture Day
COVID-19 Protocols
Please be sure to wear a mask on school grounds. There are lots of people close together at pick up and drop off areas. Thank you.
Full COVID Protocols will be available on the District website by clicking here on 8/25/2021
Please note that all staff, students, and visitors will be required to wear a mask in the building.
All visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination.
BPS reserves the right to enroll students who refuse to wear a mask into the online learning program.
Hybrid Learning
As a reminder, the only hybrid instruction that will occur during the 2021-2022 school year will be for those students who have been isolated or quarantined by the District in collaboration with RIDOH, or those who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Quarantine due to travel, isolation imposed outside of the district, or typical sick days are not eligible for hybrid instruction.
Nayatt Arrival Dismissal Procedures
Please review carefully.
Students must live beyond .75 of a mile to be eligible for the bus.
Bus information can be found in Aspen for existing families. Click on demographics and the bus tab is along the top.
This will give you the bus #, time of pick up and drop off, and stop location.
New families to Barrington will receive a letter from the district to set up their Aspen account.
Please email Mrs. Patota, Mrs. Rathbone or myself if you are new and need bus information.
See chart above.
Transportation Information
Health & Safety Protocols for the Bus:
Masks will continue to be required on school buses for both students and drivers.
Buses will also continue the practice of maximizing ventilation, with windows partially open.
Students have assigned seating and household members will sit together where applicable.
Nayatt School Newsletter
We will send out weekly Nayatt News Updates via email on Fridays of each week unless an alternate day is communicated from administration.
Copies of the newsletter can also be found on our website Nayatt School Website
Chartwell School Lunch Program
School lunches will continue to be provided to all interested students free of charge.
Chartwells Food Services/Lunch Information:
Students will order lunch in their classrooms this week.
Starting the week of the 13th, I will send out an electronic lunch order form that parents can populate for the week with their child’s choices.
Chartwells is hiring. Advertisement
Nayatt School Lunch/Recess Monitors:
Nayatt is in need of lunch/recess monitors for the upcoming school year.
The role is from 11:15 AM-1 PM, usually 5 days per week, but some volunteers have split the position.
The monitors supervise lunch in the classroom for about 20 minutes or so depending on the grade level.
They also go out to recess to a designated area-playground, blacktop, basketball, etc. for about 25 minutes.
Please contact me at if you are interested in helping us out in the upcoming school year.
It is a paid position, several of our Teacher Assistants started out as lunch/recess monitors.
Substitute Teachers:
The Barrington Public Schools will be recruiting for substitute teachers in the upcoming school year.
Please watch for information on School Spring RI.
We will have volunteers in our schools.
They must be vaccinated and have a current BCI.
Anita DiMatteo, the BPS Volunteer Coordinator, will be collecting and organizing this information.
Volunteer opportunities include room parents, guest readers, math and reading buddies, etc.
At the K-3 level, volunteers will not start in classrooms until Oct. 1st
Mrs. Bertoncini will be working with her library volunteer coordinator and these volunteers will be starting the school year with us.
Inclement/Snow Day Weather Protocols
Announcements of school closures will occur on the RI Broadcaster Network.
If you would like to enroll in text alerts from the RIBN, click here.
In addition, announcements will go out from the District via robocall, text, and email on our Thrillshare system.
Please make certain that your cell number and email are updated in Aspen to ensure that you receive notifications.
Snow Days will occur via asynchronous or synchronous learning weather permitting.
Snow days will include a ½ day of synchronous or asynchronous lessons for students followed by independent time.
Educators will engage in professional development.
Community News:
School Handbooks will be sent out soon!
Have a great long weekend!
Tracey Learned, Principal