On Thursday, September 23rd Barrington High School will hold its annual Open House virtually beginning at 6:45 PM. The night will begin with a 15 minute special edition of our Eagles News Network (ENN) Sunrise program (Sunrise Link). At the conclusion of the ENN program, families are asked to follow their child's Day 1 schedule by joining each class via Zoom.
Each of your children's teachers will reach out to you via email to provide you with a Zoom link for the evening. Please note you may receive up to 7 emails containing teacher's Zoom links (one per class). You can also take this opportunity to become an observer to your child's Canvas account by accessing this link. In order to view your child's schedule you will need to log into your Aspen account here. LINK
A 7:00-7:10
B 7:15-7:25
C 7:30-7:40
D 7:45-7:55
E 8:00-8:10
F 8:15-8:25
G 8:30-8:40
Additional links that may be helpful:
Tammy Lafreniere - School Nurse
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97476980135?pwd=bjliaE9OQzlLelgwaVZQVnBNV0E2QT09
Meeting ID: 974 7698 0135 Passcode: 7fCZBb
Lee Markowski - School Psychologist
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7973194269
Joanne Royley - Student Assistance Counselor
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9945207740?pwd=WGtyYlNPdGlhck8yRC9oWnlqZVpQQT09
School Counseling
Dawn Cacchillo: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85296240467?pwd=TUhqdmhOYXJoM0pRWFg2YjRIVFZidz09
Toni Corry: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85671143059
Jennifer Ruhle :https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87371198930
Samantha Stebenne: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85126257394
Vanessa Wood: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89467640989?pwd=ZjRpR013bG14SlBXSmc1NVRKa3VMdz09
Thank you,
Joseph D. Hurley
Barrington High School