
Tuesday, August 29th is NOT a CPT Day - It is a regular day and will be DAY 1


IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO BE TARDY, ABSENT, OR DISMISSED, PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE BETWEEN 7:00 - 9:00AM.  You can call, send a note or email the office staff.   

Main Office:

Office  - 401-247-3150

Fax - 401-245-6170

Mrs. Pereira - pereiraa@barringtonschools.org

Mrs. Van Leer - vanleere@barringtonschools.org

Mrs. Azulay - azulayc@barringtonschools.org 

Students must be in school all day in order to participate in a sport, club or afterschool activity.  If your child has an appointment during the school day, please have them bring a note from their appointment i.e. Doctor, dentist, registry etc.   

Students must sign in or out in the main office whenever they enter or leave the building.  Parents should not call to excuse their child 's dismissal after they have already left the building. 

August/September Important Dates

  • August 28 - Transition Day - First Day for Students
  • September 4 - Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
  • September 5 - Primary Election (NO SCHOOL) 
  • September 7 - Parents of Note (7:00PM) Band Room 
  • September 8 - Last day to add elective to schedule
  • September 9 - Athletic Booster Day 
  • September 13 - Booster Club Meeting (7:00PM)
  • September 21 - Open House (6:00PM-8:00PM)
  • September 25 - YOM KIPPUR (NO SCHOOL)
  • September 26 - BHS/Mt. Hope College Fair (4:30-6:30) Cafeteria